Future (Expansion Pack) Character Classes
Possible Character classes:
-Thief (Possible skills: Charm, Knife thrust, Hide, Quick Thrust, Critical dodge, Shadow manipulation, Trap)
-Naturalist (Possible skills: Summon Elementals, Summon creatures like bees, locusts, nature traps, spells, etc.)
-Giant (slow as ----, no energy)(Possible skills: Smash (325 damage lol), Quick burst, but make it 31% chance to trip lol)
-Surrealist (Energy mist type creature)(Possible skills: Mist cloud, instantly move through enemy reappearing behind it and dealing damage)
-Beast (Possible skills: Melee life steal, Magic skills, pets)
And of course as you add more classes and skills then you need to add counters to these skills as well.